
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Weekly Vocabulary

Kia Ora Readers!
Today I'm Sharing with you my Weekly vocabulary! from last week... I forgot to post it last week, but since we don't have any vocab this week I'll post it now!
this is a link to my vocabulary

last weeks will be down the bottom, or you can scroll through and see all of my vocab!
see you next time!

Life of a Hybrid - Literacy Narritive

Hello fellow bloggers!
this is my narrative I'm writing for my literacy task, in gillstrom lit, we have to write a 3-4 page narrative, first, we made a Story Structure graph that we would follow to write our narratives, then once they were checked off, we started writing! My story is called: 'Life of a Hybrid' it's about two 12-year-old girls that are hybrids (obviously) they don't have a dad and their mum homeschools them, one unfortunate day their mum suddenly can't homeschool Winter and Maia and they have to go to public school.
to find out more read my story - here's a link: Life of a Hybrid
I hope you like it!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Best Vocabulary Around!

Hello Everyone!
this is my vocabulary, I'm always updating the doc weekly so each week I'll post a screenshot of my vocab, my vocabulary consists of: the word; the surrounding sentence; a sentence I come up with; and the definition of the word!
this week I'm only posting a link because its easier for you to look at past weeks vocab as well, here's the link: