
Friday, August 28, 2020


 Kia Ora Fellow Macaroni!

So how is everyone? I hope you've all been amazing! I've had an amazing week!                                Though I did make the mistake of skipping breakfast 3 days in a row. ;-; Anyway, Into the post!

So For Literacy, We've been doing science. I know, Confusing right? I don't get it either.

Well, we've been doing a series of experiments and reporting on them each week. This week we did experiments on flight. We designed our experiments, wrote a procedure and tested.

I made 3 paper planes, flew them all and recorded which one went furthest.

Here's my report: (Link 'cause I can't make it bigger)

It's not the best report ever I've read better ones but I'm still learning so gimmie some slack.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed reading this post!
I'll see you all next time

Friday, August 14, 2020

~ Engineering success!!... and fails.. ~

S̄wạs̄dī `Macaroni!

(that's hello in Thai, and yes you are no longer potatoes, you are all macaroni)

It's been a while since I've posted ey? I've been sick and busy.  I'm getting my braces off on Wednesday, I'm really excited! I'll be able to eat popcorn and liquorice again! Anyway, on with the post!

For inquiry lately, we've been looking at rockets and engineering.

We've talked about what it's like to be an engineer and we've chosen our teams and chosen our roles, I'm in the team called RAMEN, Here's our logo (made by me and my friend Nikita):

 RAMEN has 3 members, Me, Leticia, and Nikita

Anyway, last week we started making parachutes.  We need to make them so our rockets (which we'll make and launch later in the term) have a slow and safe descent [fall].  

RAMEN's first parachute test was a big success! just over 2 seconds! The parachute opened really well and everything worked perfectly!

The second (and last) test, wasn't as good, the parachute didn't open, I think it's because of the extra 'wings' I added, so in the real thing, I think I'm going to get rid of them. (if the whole team agrees of course)

And that's about it!

I hope you enjoyed reading this week's post! I had a lot of fun writing it! I'll see you all next week!

