
Friday, December 4, 2020

~ Furlock Paw, the unstoppable villain fox! ~

 Hello Potatoes.

Yep, I've gone back to potatoes. -w-

Anyway, It's been a while (oops) I hope you've all had a great time! It's nearing the end of term 4, I'm enrolled in school, got a year older and am ready for 2021, Did I mention it's my birthday today?

I'm having my birthday party tomorrow! It's a sleepover with 6 of my friends, my mum is probably hoping we stay quiet so my grandma and she and my dad can sleep, I'm sure we'll stay quiet, but we'll definitely stay up late. -w-

anyway, This is a school blog, It's for school work. So let's get into the post!

Since we've all supposed to have finished our Inquiry, (My group has, mot sure about anyone else)

We've been doing different tasks in the afternoon, There was a selection of 12 tasks, and I had to complete 2 this week, (There's school swimming on this week so people that swim only need to 1 I believe, but I'm not swimming) I was away on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday so only had 2 days to do it, but still managed to complete 2 tasks, so if anyone didn't complete 2 I'd be quite confused. 

Anyway, I did a task called, Super Heros first, Basically, I had to design a super hero and create a backstory for them and stuff, but we could also do a villain so I did a villain instead. :)

Here's mine!

I want to draw Mr Fabian Fitswater, but I haven't got around to it yet when I do I'll edit this post and add a picture of the drawing -w-

I also did the task, It came from outer space. 

It wasn't a difficult task, I quite enjoyed writing about it, I fun visualising what I wanted to explain in the story.

Anyway, scroll down a little and I'll put my story underneath the screenshot to the left of this paragraph.

If you didn't pick up on it, Eikooc is cookie backwards -w-

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this post!
I had fun writing it!
Be sure to comment on what you thought about my work this week.
Thanks for reading,
- Potato -w-

Friday, October 16, 2020



The holidays are over, term 4 is here. And this is my last term at marshland school! kinda scary to think about, I hope High School isn't as scary as the movies make it out to be! XD

Anyway, This post will tell you all about my holidays, and the first week back at school.

Honestly, my holidays weren't very interesting. On the first week I made a hut, cave thing in the corner of my house and hid in there the whole first week, playing games, texting friends, watching YouTube, I only came out to eat XD just proves how much of an introvert I am I guess. To be honest I made the hut in an attempt to avoid all human interaction and socialisation. But it's kinda been claimed by my cat--

On the second week, I got a text from my friend Tamzin, She asked if anyone was free (the text was sent to multiple people) So on Tuesday, I went over to her place, A few hours later we were joined by my other friend, Charleyse, We played games pretty much the whole time, and had some... interesting roleplay's... By the next day, we all kinda wanted to stay for another night and so. We did. so instead of the sleepover being just Tuesday and Wednesday, We also stayed over on Thursday. On Wednesday we all went to the mall and bought a few things, Charleyse and Tamzin got some gift cards while I got some stickers, 'cause why not.


Anywho, Monday rolled around and Term 4, Week 1 began.

When we all got back we all kinda clicked again and it was like the holidays never existed, ...but the memories of the roleplay will never go away...

So the day started normally. Things were normal. Everything was great. And then, Athletics practice. U^U I injured my knee in long jump and it hurt to walk so that wasn't fun. Ok NEXT

Literacy, Pretty normal, we're working on writing children's books, We finished our planning yesterday, I'm going to write a Halloween Themed book, to fit in with the month of October, here's ONE slide from my planning:

I think it's a good message, what do you think?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading about my holiday!
I'll see you all next week ;)
~ Ash

Friday, September 25, 2020


 Hiya Ashers!

For inquiry, as you know, we were making and launching rockets! We had to make a video of the prosses, and of course, post it on our blogs!

Me, my friend Tamzin, Leticia and nikita, 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

~ A SCIENCE... review? ~

Kia Ora Ashes!

Fir literacy, you all know we've been doing science.  But I didn't complete my experiment on time :( So instead of writing a report of my experiment, I wrote a review on other people's research.
To the review:
--> Link <--

I'm not bothered to embed docs anymore, they're too small, I don't know how o change the size and you can't read it. So links will have to do.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Minecraft Education! ~

 Hey Ashes!

For literacy, We're doing science.

But since we're all doing our experiments at home, we've been doing some other things at school. This week, we were tasked with designing our own module on the International Space Station! On Minecraft education!

We had to first learn about each module, how the ISS works, and take notes! here are my notes:

I'll admit they're a little messy, but I understand them. I used these notes to analyse if the station was missing anything, if there was something I thought the ISS could use. I noticed there was a small, small room off the bottom of the module Trinity, The room is called Cupola, it's a small room used to observe space and the ISS's surroundings, but it's fairly small, looking at it from the animation it looks like it could fit 1 astronaut, maybe 2 if they were small. I decided to design an observation room, a larger room, the same size as the rest of the modules, with a large window at the end to observe space and the ISS's surroundings, it could fit at least 3-4 astronauts and there's plenty of space to write down anything new happening around the ISS.
here's some photo's of my module:

larger so you can read it

I had a lot of fun building the module, though I normally have sticky keys activated, witch meant whenever I tried to fly down by pressing shift it would hold shift even if I wasn't pressing it, so there were multiple times when I flew down much farther then I wanted to. I now turn off sticky keys when I play.

Do you think this was a good module?
I call it, JOR (stands for Jayde's Observation Room)
I hope yo enjoyed reading this post!
I'll see you all next time!

Friday, September 11, 2020

I'M BACK PEOPLES! **Looking north**

Hiya Ashes! yes, you're ashes now.

How has everyone been this last week? I've been good personally.  I've been counting the day's until I only need to wear my retainer at nighttime XD (Monday next week lol) I can't wait!

Anyway, Onto the post.

For literacy. We've been designing out own science experiments! I'm doing one focused on one star, you guys can know the details next week when I've finished the experiment. Anyway, I'm looking at "bright star" From the picture below:


(I don't know what star (or planet) "Bright Star" is, so if you have any ideas tell me in the comments it might be useful.) I'm trying to figure out how to take better pictures. I've been using my mum's phone but it's still not the best. (again, any suggestions?) 

I can't wait to share the whole experiment with you guys.

For inquiry (we recently finished that) We were learning, designing, making, and launching rockets! not real ones, of course, But it was a lot of fun! I'm gonna do a whole post about this later because it's got a lot, and We're still making the final video. 

I also can't wait to share that with you.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading this post and are just as exited as I am to share more with you all. I'll see you Ashes later!
