
Thursday, November 21, 2019


Kia ora everyone!

 You might know this from my last post, but in Davies math, we've been learning about BEDMAS, and we were asked to make an animation to show our understanding of BEDMAS then blog it, so that's what we did.  My animation shows what BEDMAS is and how to use it.

check it out!


Hi Everyone!

in Davies math, we've been looking at BEDMAS and negative numbers.  Below are the equations we had to solve, they looked pretty hard at first, but then when we worked through it, they were actually really easy!  I learnt, that when there's a bracket right next to a number, like in question #1, it's multiplication. and that when you have a fraction the / in the fraction is just like division, like in question #2, and that made things so much easier to complete!  One thing I had to get in my head were the exponents, (42, 22 normally the small number would be above, but I couldn't do that in blogger)  I kept thinking that for example 44 would be 4x4, but it's actually 4x4x4x4, so that made me get some questions wrong, but I know that now, so its all good!

#1:  6 ÷ 2 (1 + 2) =

#2:  10 × 4 - 2 × (42 + 4) ÷ 2 ÷ 1/2 + 9 =

#3  -10 + (20 ÷ 22 × 5 ÷ 5) × 8 - 2 =

Can you figure these equations out? Let me know what your answers were!

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Tena Koutu!

For Inquiry, We're looking at art and culture, we've learnt about three cultures and their different art styles, The three options are, Africa, Inuit, and Japanese, right now I'm learning about Africa, We made Adobe Spark websites to explain what we learnt, I worked with my very good friend Hannah to create our Adobe Spark, and I will link our website, and her blog post below.

Africa - Our Website
Africa - Inquiry  (Hannah's Post)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Japanese Art

Kia Ora Everyone!

For Inquiry, we are all learning about 3 different cultures, Inuit, African, and Japanese, once we've learnt about all 3, we choose the one we like the most, and do some of their art.  Right now, my group is learning about the Japanese, and we've created a slide to share with you!


Friday, October 25, 2019

Asttle Writing practice

Hi There!
In literacy on Monday, we had 1 hour to do a practice asttle writing test, And we've been told to blog it!  So here it is, its almost sorta horror, but not.  You'll see.


It’s Midnight, I woke up with an odd feeling, that something was wrong.  I step outside to see if there's anything there, but it's just Kassie, our cat.
“Hello?!” My voice echoes through the silence of the night, no one answers.

As I’m walking down the path toward the small field of wheat, I hear a rustle in the surrounding forest, It's quiet out here, I stride into the middle of the field, putting myself in a vulnerable position.

I hear a rustle in the trees, just a quiet one.
It’s probably just a squirrel I think to myself.  I hear it again, louder this time.
“Hello? Is anyone out there?”  silence. Then the rustling gets louder again, but this time, a dark figure emerges from the trees.  I freeze, it's a person, but, floating, it's wearing a dark long cloak, and a large wart is placed at the tip of its long nose.
“Hello, little girl!”  not an inviting tone of voice. A screechy, high pitched voice belonging to an elderly woman.

I race into the trees, and keep running till I hit a dead end, I know the forest well, I know where I am, I turn left and keep running but I find a place I’ve never seen before, a curtain of vines droop from the top of a large cliff, I reach my hand through the vines and walk into the dark abyss of a cave, hoping she won’t find me here. I walk with caution.

Eventually, I see light.
An opening maybe? But no, It's a sword, Its glowing.  It's just lying there,
I could use this to fend off this creepy person.
I pick up the sword and find my way back to the cave entrance and push through the vines, I run back the way I came and find my way to the wheat field, the woman isn’t there, but I can hear her voice.

“Do you know what I am, little girl?” her voice echoes.
“I am a witch, and do you know what I eat, little girl?” she asks “I eat little girls souls!”
I run to the middle of the field. She appears in front of me.
“I can sense your fear little girl!”
“I’m not scared of you! And my name is Hazel!” I shout, regretting telling her my name instantly.
“Hazel? What a lovely name, to bad it has to die with you.”

Running down the path back home I lure her to the small clearing in the forest.
I stop and turn around to face her, sword in hand. My heart is pounding, my stomach fills with butterflies.  I swing the sword with my eyes shut tight. I hear a scream, then nothing. 

My ears start ringing.  Something is still wrong.
“Aah!” the ringing gets louder, and my ears start to ache.
“You thought you could kill me before I kill you?  HA!”
My ears started bleeding and my eyes go fuzzy…
“AAHH!” I scream “STOP! PLEASE!” I beg
“No can do, I’m afraid.”
I pluck up the courage to get up and push past the pain.

I pick up the sword again, I can see her in front of me, but I feel her body behind me.
I spin around and stab the witch in her stomach. She falls to the ground, I stab her again, for good measure, and leave her to fade away on her own.

It's midnight, I clean my wounds and bandage then up,  and go to sleep peacefully, with a sword under my bed, I fall into my dreams as I feel the fuzzy warmth of our cat, Kassie curl into a ball beside me, purring away.

Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams!
    - Hazel


Did you like it?
Let me know!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bricks Goals

14th October 2019
Hi There Everyone!

Hope you all had a great holiday, I'm Sure well all have an amazing week back to school.

In math, we've been tasked with Working on our bricks more than we did the last term because we didn't do as much as expected last term, we've also been tasked with writing a blog post telling you guys, the readers, what bricks we're working on.

I'm working on brick 22, 23 and 24 for now, when I've finished those three, I'll move on.
Brick 22 requires me to do a task on khan academy, to show I know my factors to 100.
Brick 23 is the same, but I need to know my multiples to 10.

Brick 24 has something to do with fractions and decimals, I'm not so confident about that one but we'll see.

Here's my bricks slide, This shows which bricks I'm working on and which ones I've completed


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Argument Writing

Hello, People of the world!!!

At Marshland school, in Gillstrom Literacy, we are working on creating an argument, we choose a topic, we make notes, and then we create a 'video argument' to explain how you feel about your chosen topic, explain why you feel that way, and how you came to that conclusion.  
My topic is - The advantages of attending a Girls/Boys only school.
We first had to choose if we wanted to use google drawing of write on paper, a plan to easily show how you would convince people of your side, and also be aware of the weaknesses(I used Google drawings), we had to use 3 different scourses to 3 different reasons to be on your side, you could use a website, you could get information from other students, teachers, videos, all that kind of stuff. I'll leave a link to my drawing below.  after doing all our research, we made a google doc, to store our notes (link to my notes below) 

My Notes(Doc)

I think this task is really fun, and I actually do some work at home for once!  I do, DO, work at home anyway but I do this work without my parents telling me to!
See you next time!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Mobiles in Class

Hi Everyone!
At Literacy on Thursday 25th, July 2019 we had to debate whether phones should be allowed in class or
not, Mr.Gillstrom, put me on the side arguing that phones shouldn’t be allowed in class, I didn’t agree with that but I didn’t have a choice so I just went with it. 
We’ve been told to write a reflection about the debate and post it, so here's my reflection.

During our debate, both sides had great ideas and points, but I think still we were both very
For example, our side had some great points and spoke with clear voices, but then the other side seemed like they couldn’t beat that and sounded quite unconfident.  Then on the other hand once they had spoken we were stumped too, so I can't really say anything. 

In my opinion, though I think cellphones should be allowed in class with specific rules, like these for

1) No games that haven't got to do with learning 
2) No more than 10 minutes at a time unless you have been told otherwise
3) No texting/calling anyone.
4) Only to be used for learning tasks.

I think these rules are pretty good, but if you think otherwise, or you have any other rule suggestions,
comment down below!

I think phones are better than our laptops because cellphones are
1) easier to carry around and
2) less hassle to move from space to space
3) They're easier to use {in my opinion}

So that's both reasons why we should have phones and my reflection of our classroom debate,
hope you enjoyed reading! thanks!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Weekly Vocabulary

Kia Ora Readers!
Today I'm Sharing with you my Weekly vocabulary! from last week... I forgot to post it last week, but since we don't have any vocab this week I'll post it now!
this is a link to my vocabulary

last weeks will be down the bottom, or you can scroll through and see all of my vocab!
see you next time!

Life of a Hybrid - Literacy Narritive

Hello fellow bloggers!
this is my narrative I'm writing for my literacy task, in gillstrom lit, we have to write a 3-4 page narrative, first, we made a Story Structure graph that we would follow to write our narratives, then once they were checked off, we started writing! My story is called: 'Life of a Hybrid' it's about two 12-year-old girls that are hybrids (obviously) they don't have a dad and their mum homeschools them, one unfortunate day their mum suddenly can't homeschool Winter and Maia and they have to go to public school.
to find out more read my story - here's a link: Life of a Hybrid
I hope you like it!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Best Vocabulary Around!

Hello Everyone!
this is my vocabulary, I'm always updating the doc weekly so each week I'll post a screenshot of my vocab, my vocabulary consists of: the word; the surrounding sentence; a sentence I come up with; and the definition of the word!
this week I'm only posting a link because its easier for you to look at past weeks vocab as well, here's the link:

Monday, May 20, 2019

Tangaroa, God of the Sea

Hello Readers!
Last week, Toroa, coloured in Maori drawings, the options were, Tane Mahuta, the god of the forest; Tumatauenga, the god of war and people; Tawhirimatea, the god of weather; Haumia-tiketike(Haumia) & Rongomatane(Rongo), the gods of cultivated and uncultivated foods; Ruaumoko, the god of earthquakes; and Tangaroa, god of the sea!  I did Tangaroa, he's the god 
of the sea, this is my drawing:
Tangaroa, also known as Takaroa, is the god of the sea, he is one of the sons of  Ranginui and Papatūānuku, along with his brothers.
(I'll update this post with more about this story when I get the chance!)

Monday, May 6, 2019

Dialogue Practice

Kia Ora Readers!
This week we had a writer's workshop on Dialogue in Literacy.  We had to write a dialogue between two people planning a trip, and then go back and add action that showed them packing.  I tried to make each character stand out with their own personality based on what they said and did.  Let me know what you think and if there is anything you would do differently.

“Do you think we’re going to need jackets?” asks Chris holding
up two puffer jackets.

“Its summer, so no, but maybe a cardigan?” suggests
Lily, she grabbed the jackets and put them back on the hook.

“OK, you can wear that, but I’m going to wear a hoodie!” Chris

“OK!, how about snacks for the plane?” asks Lily

“We need to get through customs so we can buy it at the

“Togs?” asks Lily “maybe a surfboard!”

“Hell Yeah!” said Chris, already running out to the garage and
grabbing his surfboard

“I’ll grab the togs!” says Lily

“I’ll get some goggles from the store!”

“Ok, so we’re all set!”

“LILY!? WHERES MY HAIR GEL?” shouted Chris while
looking through the bathroom

“I already packed it for you, dumbo!” Lily says holding up
Chris’s hair gel

“hair dryer?” he says both walking into Lily's Bedroom

“Comb?” he asks leaning on the doorway

“Done,” Lily says carefully folding her favourite T-Shirt

“Ok then! I guess you’ve packed my clothes for me then?”

“EW NO! I’m not touching your disgusting clothing!” she

“Awe,” said Chris, Disappointment in his voice, as he walks
back into his bedroom to pack

“Yeessssss!” Lily whispers holding up her brand new

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

My Story Structure Graph

Hello Readers!

this is my story structure graph for my narrative story!
My story is going to be about a successful and very famous singer named winter, shes 12 years old and is homeschooled by her mum, she loves to play her guitar in her own time, and practice her songs when she can!
to know more about my story you can read my story structure, you might need to zoom in!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Goal ladder Reflection

Hello Readers,

This is my goal reflection for term 1!
You might remember at the beginning of the year I posted a google drawing with all my goal ladders on it,  if not here is a link to view it, or you can try to scroll down to find it… that may take a while…

ANYWAY! This post is a reflection for my goals, I have made a copy of the drawing of my goals,
and updated it so it's not changing my other post, I have moved some of the unicorns that
showed where I was at with my goals and I even made my resilience ladder green because I
have unexpectedly completed that goal!  My writing and maths goals I need to get a start on,
I think I’m getting a fair way through my reading goal, and for my shy avoiding most people self
I think I’m doing a good job with my Confidence goal, well, it is labelled ‘other’ but it’is a goal to
improve my confidence so yeah!

This is my Goal ladder now! :

What are your goals?

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Reading Vocabulary ?Re-Upload?

Hello Friends!
this is my reading vocabulary... Re-Upload?  for boy in the stryped, pyjamas. the last one which I'll probably delete was just a list of my words.  I was actually supposed to make a D.L.O for one word that I could choose from the list of words provided, I had two sections, one for chapters 1-3 and one for chapters 4&5...

Chapters 1-3 Indicate

Chapters 4&5 Artificial

Monday, March 25, 2019

The floor is lava! (Story Structure)

Hello Fellow Bloggers!
for writing this week, we were making story structures about youtube videos that were school appropriate of course! anyway one of them was about the floor is lave, so I made my story structure about that one :)
Take a look!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Biography Of Amberley Snyder

I have filled in a biography sheet, for my inquiry, we are doing an Expo on powerful people at the end of the term, I'm doing mine on Amberley Snyder, I'm guessing most of you don't know who she is, so I'm going to leave a link to a site about her at the bottom of this blog post

Maori Objects - AutoDraw Style!

today I'm posting Maori objects...
it's the number of objects in Maori than the translation in English.
I used a site called AutoDraw (<-that's a link)

Friday, March 15, 2019

Literacy Brainstorm

Hi, readers,
this is my brainstorm for writing. we had to make a brainstorm on a site called MindMup the brainstorm was to write down Ideas for characters for our narratives, that we will be writing later on in the term. my characters are Winter Glow, McKayla Perrie, Murula Glow, and Liana Clyde.

Friday, March 1, 2019


vocabulary - WORD ART STYLE

Hello Fellow Bloggers, 
This is my Word art Vocab,  Toroa has made Art using, We looked at words that we use too much when writing, and made word art that has words we could use instead.  'The word' (e.g. Sad, Happy) is all in Capitals so the words that are in lowercase are words we could use instead.
if you have a word that you think you use too much have a look and you might find something different.
Words I used: Said, Nice, Lots, Angry, Beautiful, Happy, Same, Sad, Cold and Warm. 

My Pepeha

My Pepeha

Hello Readers!
a pepeha is basically a what Maori people said to introduce themselves


Monday, February 25, 2019

2019 Camp Reflection D.L.O (Digital Learning Object)

This is my 5 R's Camp Reflection D.L.O

Hello Friends!
this is my Camp reflection, we all made a D.L.O on camp 2019, we had to use pictures from camp and say how they connect to the 5 Rs (Respect, Reciprocity, Resilience, Reflectiveness, Resourcefulness)

Toroa 2019 camp on Biteable.

Friday, February 22, 2019

The five R's

HI! :) this is a slide on the 5 R's made by me, CariDee, Gaia, and Britney

at marshland school we have 5 R's and M's this slide gives information about what they mean!
(some images take a while to pop in please stay on one slide for at least 10 seconds or press play! :D)

Monday, February 11, 2019

Graffiti Name

HI! this is my Graffiti Name! 
(dont worry its on paper) we used coloured pastels to colour our names but we used coloured pencils for the background and extra bits.

!Take a look!

Have you done art with pastels and pencils before?! leave a comment to let me know! :D

hey! before you go, HAPPY 2019!!!!!!!
hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year! if you don't celebrate christmas then happy new year anyway!