
Monday, March 16, 2020

~ Waste Essay Draft ~

Good day potatoes!

I was going to post this earlier but forgot to.

How has your week been? I hope it's been amazing!

Essays, we all know what they are, not many people like to do them. depending on what it's on, I 
might enjoy writing an essay. N this case, I didn't, no offence Mr.G! It's an odd topic, which makes it harder to write, This is just my draft (I have done my real essay)  Why not have a read?

Waste. There are many different sizes, and types of waste. Generally, we think of waste as rubbish or trash, right? That’s probably the first thing that came to mind when you read the word waste. Waste
can mean many things but in this piece of text, I’ll focus on one, Food waste.
I’ll be talking about 5 main points, solutions. Including, Its impact on money; Leftovers; Its impact
on the environment; Food donations; And a possible solution. Let’s get into it.

Wasting food can have many effects on people, and the environment, By buying food, you’re using
money, By not eating all of this food, you are wasting your money, Because you’re not eating what
you’ve paid for, Imagine all the saving you would have if you only bought what you know you’ll eat.

Leftovers. The main source of food waste. You’ve made too much food, and now you’re going to
throw away the leftovers. Don’t. Put your leftovers in the fridge, or freezer, eat it for lunch or dinner
the next day, breakfast if you want to. Don’t throw it away, unless it’s gone off, you don’t want to eat
mouldy food, but if you’ve ended up with mouldy food, it probably means you’ve made or bought
way too much food for you to eat.

Food waste has a big impact on the environment. By throwing out your food, it goes to the dump,
right? But then what? It decomposes, right? Yes, food decomposes, but there is so much that it’s not
decomposing fast enough. Therefore, the piles of food waste will keep getting bigger, meaning it’s
just another fuel for global warming.

You could donate your waste to the homeless, and the poor, I’m sure they’d be really appreciative of
that, If you’ve bought too much food that you can eat and it’s still packaged, there are bins in the
supermarket, the food put in those bins get donated to those who need it.

If we keep eating at the rate we do now, we might run out of food, so how can we prevent this?
Bugs, eating bugs might sound disgusting now, yes. But according to Ted Talk’s, ‘Why Not Eat
Bugs?’ You’re already eating them. But then if we all decided to eat bugs, we would run out of bugs
to eat. Well, why not have a more varied diet? Eating insects, and the food we eat today, this way we
won’t have the worry of running out of our food sources, depending on how much you eat.

So, ask yourself, are you wasting food? Are you buying more food than you can eat? If you answered
‘yes’ to either of those questions, try not to waste food. Don’t buy so much food, eat your leftovers.
Before throwing out your food, ask yourself, can I still eat this? Can I donate it?
Try not to waste too much food. Have a more varied diet. 
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this, I hope I’ve persuaded you to at least try not to waste food.
Thank you.

Did I persuade you to stop wasting food? I hope you liked my draft, I might decide to post my actual essay eventually.
See yo next time!
- Potato

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